Your Ridiculously Awesome Pontiac GTO Wallpaper Is Here
If you're like us Texans (who have been practically underwater in floods for the past few weekends—just check out Circuit of the Americas on Oct. 30), the skies in this photo are probably quite a relief for you. The car is pretty great, too.
This weekend's featured wallpaper comes to us from Jack Lukow, who got the chance to photograph a friend's restored Pontiac GTO that takes us back to the days when Pontiac production was still, you know, a thing. The Pontiac GTO came around in 1964 as a car marketed to the youth, and is often cited as kickstarting the muscle-car era.
After a few dormant decades since production stopped in 1974, Pontiac came out with a new GTO in 2004. It didn't do very well on the market, and only stuck around for about three years. But the newest era certainly wasn't a waste—the 2004 version taught us that GTOs are also pretty great for wake snowboarding (and videotaping it).
As for this particular GTO, we'll just let Jack paint the picture for you: "The car has a great history, from garage-kept rust bucket to the polished dreamsicle it is today. And man is she loud."
For those into camera specs, Jack said he used a Nikon D750 and stock 24-120 lens.
Photo credit: Jack Lukow. Used with permission. For more photos from this particular shoot, check out his website and Instagram account. For a big desktop version, click here.
Weekend Wallpapers are usually featured on Sundays, (but not always!). Got one you'd like us to run? Send it to with the subject "Weekend Wallpaper." Just make sure you have the rights to use it.