Your Ridiculously Awesome BMW M4 Wallpaper Is Here

If anything can make a dark alleyway look artsy and inviting, it's a shiny, clean BMW. Perhaps there are a few more things that make up that list, but the BMW isn't a bad start.

This weekend's wallpaper comes from Mitch Phelps and features a BMW M4 shot in Savannah, Georgia. Our editor Patrick George took one for a 10-day trip down the Pacific Coast Highway in one last year, and said it "ended up being as close to a perfect car for this road trip as [he] could ask for." If you want to read more about that trip, go ahead and click over here.

Since we're feeling extra generous this weekend, here are a few more photos from Mitch to finish off your Sunday evening:

Have a great week ahead, everyone. If you have a photo or two that you'd like to submit for a weekend wallpaper, feel free to send an email to the address below.

Photo credit: Mitch Phelps. Used with permission. To see more of his work, check out his website and Instagram page. If you like the car, the owner is on Instagram, too. For a big desktop version, click here. As an added bonus, here are the second and third photos as well.

Weekend Wallpapers are usually featured on Sundays, (but not always!). Got one you'd like us to run? Send it to with the subject "Weekend Wallpaper." Just make sure you have the rights to use it.

