Your Guide To Living With A Car You Absolutely Despise
Sure, having a car can be better than walking or taking your city's woefully inept public transit system. But that doesn't feel like the case when you own a car that inspires nothing but hatred and animosity.
Last week, I asked you guys how to cope with having a car that you hate. You looked within yourselves and told me how best to achieve salvation.
Let's examine the advice. Your mileage may vary!
Time To Shine (CobraJoe)
You're a glass-half-full kind of person, aren't you?
Silver Lining (keyboard racer)
Make the most of a situation.
Gainz (nondrivingdriver)
Ignorance helps, too!
Wreck (Fuel_of_Satan)
Finish Line (needsblinkerfluid)
It's all about keeping the finish line in sight.
A Story From A Buddy (SlowFRS)
Hey, minimal injuries!
Work Van (Kemick)
Coping with the work van.
No Wash (Busslayer)
This is tough love.
Make A List (ssonsk)
And start with the small things.
Keep Up (Mike)
Keep it at bad and not terrible.
Name It (4wsprelude)
Scream it for all to hear.
TRON CAR! (afterthawt)
But... but it glows...
#VanLyfe (Married_and_drives_a_van)
Username checks out.
Perspective (LeBaronJames)
That's all you need sometimes.
Focus (McLarry)
Eye on the prize.