You Should Buy A Drag Strip
You've got $3 million laying around for a rainy day, right?
Race tracks are a dying breed. Everywhere you turn, another track is being besieged by neighbors dead-set on turning it into a golf course — despite those neighbors moving in long after the tracks started up. But out in Virginia, you have the chance to help turn that tide: A 30-acre drag strip is up for sale.
For just $18,857 per month — less than $630 a day — you can help save these noble tracts of land from extinction. You can help provide them with spectators, stable ownership, and preservation. The fight against snooty neighbors is a hard one, but with your support it's one that the race tracks can win.
Tracks like Twin River Raceway are neglected, worn down, and have suffered years of disrepair — even its pavement, once pristine, now has grass growing through the cracks. Twin River needs your help — your $3.36 million — in order to achieve stability. It deserves that, don't you think? Listen to what its racers have to say, from The Drive:
"There's a reason no-prep became a thing," said Chris Cook, owner of a Fox Body Mustang called Jigsaw that frequented Twin River Raceway. "If you have a surface that's equivalent to an NHRA weekend, there's no mystery in who's going to win. It's about who has the most horsepower and the biggest wallet. Unfortunately, it kind of takes that type of racetrack for regular people to compete. Of all the cars that race at Twin River, I would say that 90% have more power than that surface would take, so you get down to a tuning game.
Do your part to help America's race tracks, and its racing community in the process. Donate today, and save a race track like Twin River.