You Can Watch Every Single Moment Of Robby Gordon's Baja 1000 On YouTube

The off-road desert race has been notoriously hard to watch — until now.

Trying to find coverage of the Baja 1000, an off-road race held in the Baja California Peninsula ever year, can be a daunting task if you're the kind of person who wants to follow every moment of the action. And that's why it's such a damn miracle that Robby Gordon and Team Speed filmed every single moment of the race and posted it to YouTube for our viewing pleasure.

Seriously. We're talking 24 straight hours of video gathered via plenty of cameras placed on The Unicorn, which is the name of Gordon's trophy truck. You'll get to see a little bit of everything: views of the drivers inside the cockpit, rooster tails of dust pluming off the back tires, and forward-facing shots that show the narrow strip of road visible through the windshield and the co-driver's computer — as well as how driver and co-driver communicate.

As you can imagine, a pretty significant portion of the video is hiding under the cover of darkness after the sun set, and it brings to life a whole slew of things you just don't see in the sunshine. My personal favorite? The bursts of flame from the tailpipes. You also get that firsthand sense of tunnel vision that comes from driving real fast down a dark road in the middle of the night.

You can check out the first 11 hours below:

Followed by the final 12:

This year, Gordon finished 13th overall out of 299 entries and was seventh in the Trophy Truck class.

If you're not familiar with the 1000, you're really missing out. The event has run since 1967, and it draws entries from around the world to compete in its various classes — trophy trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, cars, and more. This year, I've heard from multiple people that you really haven't lived at a motorsport event until you see the Baja 1000 in person, but for the moment, this onboard is about as good as it's going to get. And it's still a pretty damn cool compromise.

