World's Largest Cadillac Ranch Sees A Crusher On The Horizon
The owner of what's likely the world's largest trove of old Cadillacs — some 335 cars in all — wants rid of them and a parts warehouse. The hitch: How close are you to western Canada? UPDATE Visible from space!
Randy Berfelo was a Cadillac fanatic, who started rebuilding old models in the early 1980s and quickly became a one-man Caddy warehouse. He restored, sold rare parts and could customize older models with original parts.
Berfelo became known as the "The Cadillac King of Alberta," but died in 1989 at the age of 32. His older brother Andrew Berfelo decided to keep the business going toward Randy's original goal of 500 cars. The collection of models from 1947 to 1979 grew large enough to require Berfelo to buy some farmland near Hay Lakes, Alberta, for a parking spot.
But Berfalo, now 64, wants out. He's closed the storefront his brother had opened, filled a warehouse, barn and three shipping containers with Cadillac parts and wants to be cleaned out within a year.
"The Cadillac retirement centre is retiring," Andrew Berfelo told The Edmonton Journal. "I kept Randy's dream alive for 20 years, but it's time for the dream to end."
The herd has already been culled by 30 models from 1973-1976 via the crusher. Whatever he can't find a buyer for will meet the same fate. For those who care, Berfalo can be reached at
UPDATE: As commenter oOglebooze notes, the site can be seen via Google Maps just south of Hay Lakes.
Photos: Dan Wells [Edmonton Journal]