Woman Loses Ducks, Causes Two-Car Wreck
A Pennsylvania woman has been cited with summary disorderly conduct for losing her ducks, which made their way into traffic and caused a wreck.
I'm not exactly sure what the state determines to be a lawfully binding way of locking up your ducks, but apparently you can get into legitimate trouble if you aren't sure either. Here's the report from Pennlive.com:
Nicole Wiest of Washington Township was cited for summary disorderly conduct after the quackers got onto South Crossroads Road and caused an auto accident at 8 p.m. Wednesday, state Trooper Anthony Chomiszewski III reported Monday.
He said the ducks were able to get to the road because they "were not properly contained." No one was injured in the two-vehicle crash.
Since that's all there is to this report, I decided to investigate what it would take to properly contain some ducks. Countryside Daily claims that keeping ducks in a suburban residence is actually ideal over herding chickens. To properly contain them, you need a lot of space for them to roam around in, which means a lot of deer fencing or poultry fencing. If you've got adorable little baby ducklings, a kiddie pool wrapped in poultry fencing should also do the job.
So I'm guessing this Pennsylvania lady didn't have adequate fencing? I was expecting a more concrete approach when it came to keeping my ducks in order. I don't really know if I would go as far as saying this woman deserved a citation, though. Ducks are literally everywhere, anyway.