Woman Gives Birth On 11-Hour Transatlantic Flight

A new mother flying from Ghana to the U.S. went into labor over the Atlantic Ocean

Where were you born? If the answer is 30,000 feet in the air above the Atlantic Ocean, you have something in common with this kid.

Here's how it all happened: A pregnant woman, whose baby wasn't due until the end of the month, went into labor during an 11-hour United Airlines flight from Accra, Ghana to Washington, D.C.

When that happened, passengers on the plane flew (pardon the pun) into action. Luckily, among the passengers were a physician and three neonatal intensive care nurses, according to CNN. A United flight attendant who also used to be a nurse helped out.

The doctor on board, Stephen Ansah-Addo, told ABC News he "couldn't believe it was happening," but he remained calm to help deliver the baby boy.

"This is the reason why you go into medicine, to help people," Ansah-Addo said to ABC. "This is someone that really needed help, because there was nobody else there. This is the kind of medicine where you can make a difference in people's lives."

What a guy.

One woman on the flight even documented the whole ordeal on her Instagram page. She wasn't thrilled.

The mother hasn't been identified, but she is a Ghanaian New York City resident. She was brought an IV, and the medical professionals got to work. The flight reportedly hit turbulence, and the mother-to-be could be heard "moaning and yelling" for two-and-a-half hours as she gave birth on the floor of the cabin by the emergency exits.

When the flight landed at Dulles International Airport, the mother and her newborn were met immediately by airport paramedics.

"Our crew was amazing," United told CNN in a statement. "They acted quickly, assisted the medical professionals onboard, and ensured everyone stayed safe throughout the flight. And we were especially thrilled to see the plane land with one extra, especially beautiful, customer onboard."

So you may be wondering what the baby's place of birth is since "airplane over the Atlantic Ocean" probably isn't going to work. Well, according to the Washington Post if a birth occurs on a "moving conveyance," like an airplane, the place of birth will be listed as wherever the child was removed from the "conveyance."So congrats, kid. Your place of birth is the second-best airport in Washington, D.C.

