Will Smith's Gargantuan Trailer Enrages Manhattanites
Enormously popular actor (and child star breeder) Will Smith is currently filming Men in Black III in Manhattan, and, beloved as he may be, is royally pissing off locals with his out-sized 53-foot-long trailer.
The New York Post reports that SoHo residents are incensed about the enormous, gas-guzzling behemoth. But come on, guys, a movie star's gotta live like a movie star, right? What's so special about this mega-trailer anyway? The Post describes:
Clocking in at 1,150 square feet, the titanic trailer is larger than most two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartments in the city. Rent is $9,000 a week.
The specially designed ride, nicknamed "The Heat," includes a lounge, a movie room with a 100-inch screen, marble floors throughout, offices for his assistants and writing staff, a large bedroom and all-granite bathroom. It measures about 53 feet long, has 22 wheels and weighs in at around 30 tons.
Inside, it features a full-service kitchen with arched windows, and matched-grain Italian cherrywood cabinetry.
There's even a space for Smith to have his makeup and wardrobe done.
A satellite uplink on the roof can send Smith's movies to and from a 50-inch plasma TV or 37-inch TVs that pop up from cabinets.
The trailer also features a 100-inch roll-down movie screen.
Upstairs holds a lounge with a bar, enough office space for 30 people to hold a meeting, and the mobile offices of Smith's assistant and his personal writing staff.
The trailer is scheduled to be parked in the same location today, sources said.
"The Heat"! As in global warming heat? As in he's getting heat from upset SoHo dwellers? The Heat. Nothing obnoxious about that nickname whatsoever. Also, why does Will Smith have a "personal writing staff"? Does he pay people to come up with things for him to say now? Has he gone that money-mad? One hopes not.
Smith, who is renting a five-bedroom apartment on Bond St. for the duration of the shoot, also has a separate gym trailer, because we're not in a recession. [Image via Splash]