Which Podcasts Are Helping You Survive The Long, Dull Days Of The Off-Season?

The bleak, dark days of the racing off-season are upon us, and thus, we must to turn to alternative methods of entertaining ourselves. Some of us work on our race cars. Others turn to podcasts. What are you listening to this winter to make it through the vast expanse of boredom and woe?

Dinner With Racers, the hilariously unhinged podcast led by Acura factory driver Ryan Eversley and notoriously silly racing PR man Sean Heckman, started off their second season today with a dump of 14 episodes at once. Our own Matt Hardigree will show up as a guest in the second wave for this season.

The series' first season had everything from Shea Adam's horror stories of providing press cars to journalists to Jeff Braun's tale of Level 5 Motorsports' obscenely expensive SCCA race car. That's right: not a Le Mans prototype. Not even for IMSA. A butt-ton of money dropped on a club race.

This off-season is particularly dull, with only a couple high-profile driver swaps still up in the air. Fortunately, there are no shortages of good podcasts out there. Lovable teddy bear of a racing reporter Marshall Pruett's been having quality chats with people in the industry on The Marshall Pruett Podcast, and even I've become a semi-regular disembodied voice on Hooniverse's The DFL Show.

So, tell us: what podcasts are you listening to fend off brain-numbing offseason malaise this winter? Post some links below or we'll all suffer.

