When Is It OK To Tear Up A Junkyard Car To Get Your Part?

Say you're at the junkyard and you need some component that's buried beneath a bunch of tedious-to-remove parts you don't care about. You can break out the Implements Of Destruction and tear the bastid out... but the ethical dilemma!

The humble car clock provides a good example of this soul-searching question; I've been harvesting analog and digital car clocks for a Stupid Murilee Projectâ„¢ for a few years now, and most clocks tend to be quite well buried in the instrument cluster. Here we see Junkyard Build Quality Challenge operative Casadelshawn helping me extract an early-90s Acura timepiece:

As you can see, I don't have an across-the-board "no-bustem-parts" policy while in the junkyard, but I don't want to hose the dude who, a few days in the future, will need the stuff I'm contemplating tearing up with my prybar. That's why I ask myself the following questions before I initiate the part-removal process:
1: Is this a rare vehicle?
2. Is this the only example of this type of vehicle in this particular junkyard?
3. Is this junkyard owned by any entity other than a big corporation?
4. Am I being watched by junkyard employees?
If I answer "yes" to one or more of these questions, I remove the part all proper-like, undoing all the fasteners with the correct tools and so on. If I'm dealing with an '89 Hyundai Excel, however, I'm packing the dash with C4 and picking through the smoking rubble to get my part. How about you?

Is it OK to tear up a junkyard car to get your part?surveys

