What's Your Favorite Item Of Automotive Apparel?
Let's see some killer threads from some gearheads!
We all have our vices, and one of mine is a crippling t-shirt addiction. It's pointless, and I've tried my best to ween myself off snapping up the odd graphic tee on sight, but I still have moments of weakness. Typically I trade in band tees, but cars and motorsport are of course areas of interest too. It's with that in mind that I ask you all: What's your favorite piece of enthusiast apparel that you own?
I'll broaden the question to enthusiast (at risk of confusing things with that one brand) and not just automotive because motorcycle-related items count too, of course. I suppose you can say your riding gear if you want, though that wasn't really what I had in mind. Just don't say it's that vest that will let you die if you forget to turn on auto pay.
I have lots I can contribute here. A few years back, Blipshift sold this design that was a mash-up of Days Of Thunder and Daytona USA, with the text "Let's Go Away" in the same font as the movie title. I have never seen Days Of Thunder (I know) but I have played several lifetimes worth of Sega's seminal stock-car arcade racer, so you can bet I wore that shirt proudly for many years until it started to flake apart and become threadbare. I even ran into its designer, Cale Putnam, a few years ago during an IMSA race at Lime Rock Park. Thanks for making cool stuff, Cale!
More recently I acquired an official Rage Racer sweater (like this one) that I assume was sitting in a warehouse somewhere in Asia for 25 years until it was shipped to me. My hope is that one day someone will notice me wearing it, we'll bond over our shared love for the oft-overlooked 1996 PlayStation game of the same name and become friends for life. Enough from me, though — what's the enthusiast-themed clothing that brings you joy?