What's The Worst Gas Station Food You've Ever Had?
Have you ever had an encounter with potentially lethal nacho cheese?
We have all been there. You're out on the road for a long drive, and maybe haven't eaten anything in a while. You know it's going to be even longer until you're able to have a real meal and you're stopping for gas anyway. Why not just head inside and pick something up to snack on? Several hours later, you're trip is on pause while spending far longer in the bathroom than you bargained for.
What was the worst food that you have ever eaten from a gas station? Did you pick up a hot dog fresh from the rollers, but were maybe had been on those rollers a little longer than they should have been? Was the box of doughnuts you bought so stale that they could've been old enough to get a driver's license? Seriously, gas station food could be bad enough to kill you.
The worst has to be a deadly nacho cheese. In 2017, CNN reported that ten people contracted botulism after eating contaminated nacho cheese sauce at a gas station near Sacramento, California. One person died, and the other nine were hospitalized. The California Department of Public Health determined that the cheese sauce was the source, seized four bags of it from the convenience store, and ordered the station to stop selling pre-prepared foods for the next three days.
What fares should we stay away from or are there places that remain repeat offenders in selling suspiciously sickening snacks? Share your nightmares below.