What's The Most Molested Car?
The problem with fun, affordable cars is by the time they hit the used market they're almost always "modified" for performance into oblivion by amateur wrenchers. Warn the people! What's the most molested car?
As opposed to the worst customized car from earlier this week, we're looking for the car most victimized by ill-conceived performance modifications.
I'm curious because my Lenten Craigslist fast is over and I'm back to looking for cars I'm probably not going to buy and it's a little depressing every time I decide I want a CRX and click on a link for a "mint and untouched CRX" only to find "mint" means "painted an awful green color" and "untouched" means no one will touch a car so low to the ground, with so much fender rub, with an exhaust so large and no hood. Seriously, it's nearly impossible to find a Honda CRX (or HF) without some kind of awful performance modification. Thankfully, the upgrades are usually so poor they can't be concealed even by bad cell phone photography.
Craigslisters and eBayites chime in: what's the most molested car?
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