What's The Greatest Movie Drag Race Of All Time?

The drag race is just about the purest contest of speed there is. Two cars (or more) line up together, go at the same time, and the fastest car with the best driver wins. It doesn't get much more honest than that.

We're doing a week of questions and AOTDs inspired by the Jalopnik Film Festival, so if you have movie-related posts you'd like to see you can also suggest them below and if you haven't already buy tickets here.

I would wager that you see more drag contest than any other kind of racing in movies. Even in films that aren't explicitly about cars or motorsports, drag races happen all the time. There's just a ton of them to choose from.

So that's our question of the day: What's the greatest movie drag race ever?

The climax race from The Fast and the Furious is probably the best of that entire film series, but I'm more partial to the Jetta vs. S2000 race in the desert.

Too soon, junior!

