What's The Coolest Car Company?
There are really only a couple of answers here, but let's hear what you got
There are companies that make cool cars — Porsche comes to mind immediately. There are successful car companies, like Toyota and Mercedes-Benz. And there are car companies that, despite in many cases being horrifically mismanaged and going through long periods where they struggle mightily to put out decent product, just have the fucking vibe.
I don't think of the British as being overly cool as a people, but my go-to companies here are Lotus and Bristol. For most of their histories, they've been companies barely making it, seeming to somehow operate outside of the regular car industry. Lotus seems to have mostly graduated from its "how is this a real company?" phase again and they're now building an SUV, which I'm afraid gives the edge to Bristol. I have no idea if Bristol is still operating.
But enough about me, what about you? What's the coolest car company in your mind?