What's The Biggest Used Car Warning Sign?
A new car is not for everyone. It may be a matter of taste or circumstance, but sometimes a trip to the used lot or through Craigslist-land is necessary. A preowned ride naturally deserves serious purchaser diligence and concern, but some things stand out as causes for concern. What's the scariest warning sign for a used-car shopper?
This isn't about things to ask a seller — this is about things that don't need to be asked, or for which you simply cannot expect an honest answer. A classic red flag? A lack of any maintenance records at all. Any car, even the most ultra-reliable late-Eighties Honda, will require professional care for standard replacement items like brake pads and CV joints. If there's no record of work being done, then in all likelihood the work was never done and you're looking at a potential financial bomb.
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