What's The Best YouTube Channel For Repair Advice On Your Car?
It's one thing to read about how to fix your car on a forum or in a Bentley manual. It's another thing entirely to watch someone else do it correctly on video. Thankfully, the miracle of the internet makes learning to fix your car easier than ever.
I recently picked up a 1985 BMW 325e on Craigslist, a sweet ride I plan on writing about soon. It's in great shape, but like any 31-year-old German car, it's not perfect. And while it's oppressively warm and ridden with mosquitoes in Texas right now, I've enjoyed working on it in my driveway.
But I'm no expert mechanic! Which is why, in addition to advice from books and good friends, I've turned to YouTube to learn what I'm doing. Bimmer Zeit is a good channel that has repair advice on a variety of older BMWs.
Here's another good channel I found, from YouTuber Dan Cronin:
What's the best repair channel you've found for your car?