What Was The Most Memorable Date You Had In A Car?

We all work so hard all the time and sometimes we need a break. We need something fun, something to spice up the day-to-day humdrum. So we go on dates.

Mini golf, dinner, the movies or competitive base jumping—these are all great date ideas. But how do you get there? Your car, usually. Or, the date happens in your car. If you're not averse to eating in the vehicle, a takeout dinner in your car while parked at a scenic outlook could be a lovely idea.

Most people leave the house hoping that the date will go well. And sometimes it does! Sometimes it doesn't.

What is your most memorable date you had in a car? It doesn't have to involve the date happening in the car. Maybe something happened while you were driving with your date.

If you have one, tell me a love story. Make my day.

