What's One Car That Everyone Should Drive At Least Once In Their Lifetime?
The easy answer is Miata, but are there any another cars that we should all drive at least once in our lives?
There are a lot of universally loved cars out there, cars like the Ferrari F40 and the E-Type Jaguar have won thousands of adoring fans around the world. Sadly, we won't all get to drive automotive icons like these in our lives, but I wondered if there are any cars that we really should try and get behind the wheel of at least once during our short time on this Earth?
So, dear Jalopnik readers, I want to know what cars you think every car fan should drive at least once in their lifetime. What have you got?
Maybe, as usual, you think Miata is the answer and that in order to be a true car fan, everyone should experience the crisp manual transmission, tight handling and freeing sensation of the wind in your hair that only a Miata can offer. Alternatively, your sites could be set a little higher and you think a true sports car icon like the BMW M3 is the real answer and, if so, have you got a favorite generation to pick?
You could also take the opposite approach and choose an awful car, so that you truly appreciate how lucky you are to have the daily driver you now own. Or you might have the ridiculous idea that everyone should ride a bicycle to work at least once to get a better hand on the etiquette of sharing the road. Just me? OK.
Personally, I reckon you've got to try your hand at stupid fun driving at least once in your life, which means I reckon the one car that everyone should drive is a Caterham. Specifically, one of the more powerful models like the Seven 360 or maybe a 420 if you're feeling spicy.
These pocket rockets offer a kind of driving joy that you don't find when you've got luxuries like a roof, luggage capacity or space to carry more than one friend. If you want to have some serious fun, find a Caterham and an abandoned parking lot, it'll make all the hours wasted in traffic feel worth it.
But that's just my suggestion, what car would you pick? Head to the comments section below to let us know the models that you think everyone should drive at least once in their lifetime. We'll round up some of the top suggestions in a slideshow later this week.