What Is The Most American Car Ever Made?

In the midst of the Fireworks, Barbequing and other assorted Americana of this Fourth of July weekend it seems only appropriate to try and pick the perfect automobile to go along with the celebration. This weekend we want to know what vehicle screams "America, F%$k Yeah" louder than any other. What is the most American car ever made?

I'm going with the 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang (later model pictured) as my pick for the most American car ever made. It was a wildly successful vehicle that was financially accessible to the average American when it was introduced. In my mind the debut of the Mustang also unofficially marks the beginning of the very American muscle car era (I know, it was a pony car).

Although it's purely speculative, I would guess that asking a random sampling of people what kind of American car they have always wanted to own would produce an overwhelming amount of Mustang responses. Years of attending cruise nights and car shows and witnessing the unbelievable amount of restored vintage Mustangs strongly back up this theory. Accordingly the iconic debut (half) year of Mustang production seems the logical choice for the most American car ever made.

I've told about the pony car I think screams USA over and over again, so tell us what do you think is the most American car ever made?

Picture Credit: 4yas

