What If You Only Have A BMW M4 For A Few Hours?

You start destroying the rear pair of Michelin Pilot Super Sports earlier. Yep, that's pretty much what happens.

As I might have mentioned earlier, Hungary is a small country with a small market and an even smaller test car fleet. Unsurprisingly, there's no M4 press car with Hungarian plates. But that's when our neighbors, the Austrians come to the rescue.

Jalopnik's resident Wolverine Nino Karotta wasn't even on the list for this car. Yet when he got a phone call from a friend, he made a few himself in order to get together OMG Visuals' video crew in such short notice, because as it turned out, they only had the car for about the next 14 hours. From dusk 'till lunch break.

The result is a video that's not only damn fine for a rush job, but since they had no time to retake everything in English, also a great a great opportunity for you to learn what clearly are the most important Hungarian worlds.

Remember, subtitles are your friend.

So that's what the automatic feels like. If you're interested in the manual BMW M4, please don't hesitate to ask Travis!

I'll take both of course.

Contact the author at mate@jalopnik.com.

