Live Lobsters, Tattoo Guns, Bowling Balls And Other Weird Things You Can Bring Through TSA

From bowling balls to farm fresh eggs, here's a few things TSA won't hassle you for bringing on a plane.

Despite knowing the rules for over 20 years now, Americans still bring lots of weird stuff through security at the airport. From guns to cattle prods, the Transportation Security Administration has had to deal with some bonkers stuff coming across its X-Ray scanners. And, while some of it definitely was not allowed, most of the weird stuff people refuse to check was A-OK allowed to come onto the plane.

Here's a list of things you may not have realized you can bring along with you as your carry-on.

Snow Globes

A globe roughly the size of a tennis ball is welcome through TSA security checkpoints. As long as it looks about 3.4 ounces, you should be good. Same goes for other water-based toys and tchotchkes.

Bread Machines/Microwaves/Etc.

As long as it fits in an overhead bin or under the seat in front of you, you can muscle whatever kind of appliance you want onto a plane as carry-on.

Bowling Balls

Most ball-shaped implements of sport are allowed through as carry-on, and bowling balls are no exception. More weapon-like items, such as baseball bats and golf clubs, have got to be checked.

Frozen Liquids Over 3.4 Ounces

That's right! If you really love the taste of your hometown's H2O you can bring plenty with you in solid form through security.

Live Lobsters

Whether you're planning on dining on the delights of the sea or just had a meaningful connection with some wildlife in Maine and decided to bring it home and name it Jeff and feed it hot dog coins until one of you dies, you can bring that live lobster on through.

Tattoo Guns (With Needles)

As long as you're not carrying ink in bottles over 3.4 ounces or have a wonky lithium-ion battery in a wireless gun, you can bring a tattoo gun onto a plane.

Waffle Irons

If you are just as unhinged about waffles as the lady in this slide, then you will be pleased to learn you can, indeed, take them on a plane.

Pet Fish

I, too, can hardly leave the house without my emotional support goldfish. The good news is, little Face Eater can travel with me in a sealed container over 3.4 ounces!

Sewing Machine (With Needles)

Not a ton of sewing machines count as carry-ons, but those that do are welcome on U.S. flights.

Fresh Eggs

Look, I get it; one last run out to Amish country before hitting the airport is just too delectable a chance to pass up. Well, fear not, those potential birds will get to experience at least one flight before they become omelettes.

Cakes And Pies

I want to be the person who just brings a big, delicious cake on the plane and just sits there with it. What a power move.

Fake Human Bones/Remains

Mind you, they can't be real! This recently happened, according to the TSA's Instagram account, when a neurosurgeon's teaching skull was pulled aside by security agents. This one looked more like an explosive device, as it was full of wires and a battery. Turns out the skull was used as a teaching aid to describe how lobotomies are performed. Which, uh, I hope we aren't actually doing anymore?

C-Pap Machine

It's best to take medically necessary equipment and meds with you on the plane, as you don't want to be gasping for air due to luggage snafu.

Solid Foods

Any grub can be brought on a plane, though some stuff coming through security is up to the discretion of the officers. Sauces or anything smear-able (peanut butter, for example) must be kept to 3.4-ounce containers and items should be arranged and separated into an easy-to-scan layout.

Film Rolls

Let's say you're a classy camera hipster who just wants to get their rolls through security. Well, the good news is, the machine won't harm your precious black-and-white shots of a mourning dove on your ex-girlfriend's balcony.

