Watch This Wild Thanksgiving-Themed Indiana Car Dealership Commercial

Local car dealer commercials are what I'm most thankful for today. My gift to you is sharing my favorite one.

On this day for taking stock of the things we are grateful for in our lives, I think now is as good a time as ever to talk about what I am most thankful for: cheap, local car dealership commercials.

Few things on Earth give me more joy and pleasure than watching a middle-aged man yell at the top of his lungs in a parking lot about DEALS. Because today is Thanksgiving, I wanted to share with you my favorite Thanksgiving-themed car dealership commercial.

Fred Grote Automotive, of Indiana, concocted this particular masterpiece. It has all the essential elements of a near-perfect (amusing) local car dealership commercial. You've got a man in a turkey costume, absolutely awful graphics, in-law jokes, Thanksgiving puns, a pilgrim, and a man being deep fried (not literally...just appears like it). There's literally nothing else you could ask for.

The focal point of the commercial is our hero, Fred Grote, or "Freedom Fred" as he's called on his website. He just wants to get the people of Warsaw and Elkhart, Indiana in a nicer or newer car. He's aiming to be a man of the people!

I don't know how I came about this piece of art, but I'd say that of the 9.7 thousand views it has, I am easily half of them. And I just want to say, thank you to Mr. Freedom Fred Grote. You are an American hero. As I eat my turkey leg and watch football today, I'll be thinking of you and how thankful I am for your commercial.

