Watch This If You Are Not Scared Of Flying

People scared to fly didn't like the video of the crazy crosswind landings at Düsseldorf. This one doesn't show any extreme situation, just beautiful landings and take-offs in Brazil, from an Airbus A320 cockpit. Still, it may cause some vertigo.

Personally, it just makes me want to fly.

It is quite simple: just a wide-angle camera set by the pilots on different places of their cabin. The result is quite beautiful. It just needs more Pink Floyd.

Some planes—like some Iberia's transatlantic flights—use tail cams to show passengers how things look from outside. I wish they also included cameras elsewhere, like the cockpit and under their belly. Bonus points: add an augmented reality game that turns the Airbus into a B-17 Flying Fortress and let the passengers fire virtual machine guns against Luftwaffe fighters. [ExtracrewGracias Jorge!]

