Watch The First Congressional Hearing On UFOs In 50 Years, Right Here

After a puzzling uptick in military reports on UFOs, Congress is having a hearing on the matter.

It would be pretty bleak if we were all alone in the vastness of space, right? So surely, on the countless planets orbiting a multitude of stars across innumerable galaxies, there has to be life out there. And what happens if that life tries to come to Earth? Well, the U.S. Congress is asking that very question, right now, and you can watch it all below.

Update: The public Congressional hearing has now ended, but you can still watch a recording of the hearing. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this page to see the official video.

Members of Congress have started the House's first public hearing on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in 50 years, according to Reuters. It comes less than a year after the U.S. Government released a report covering more than 140 cases of military pilots spotting suspicious sights in the skies.

The hearing, which will be led by the U.S. House Intelligence subcommittee, will "re-examine" the findings of last year's report. That report included the release of three videos taken by US Navy pilots of mysterious flying objects.

Dubbed "FLIR," "GOFAST," and "GIMBAL," the videos were released to the public "in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos."

During today's hearing, members of congress will examine these videos as well as other military intelligence shared by the 2021 report on UFOs. They hope to establish the "implications for U.S. national security and aviation safety."

The public hearing is streaming on YouTube right now, and will include Ronald S. Moultrie, undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security, and Scott W. Bray, deputy director of naval intelligence.

The hearing is the first of its kind in the U.S. since the Air Force ended its Project Blue Book investigations into mysterious flying objects way back in 1969.

The Reuters report says:

"During its 17 years in existence, Blue Book compiled a list of 12,618 total UFO sightings, 701 of which involved objects that officially remained 'unidentified.' But the Air Force later said it found no indication of a national security threat or evidence of extraterrestrial vehicles."

Once the hearing has concluded, members of the committee "will hold a closed, classified briefing," which is definitely where all the juicy details will be discussed.

One detail I was pretty disappointed to read ahead of the hearing is that the U.S. Government doesn't even call alien spaceships UFOs! Here, they're given the much more sterile-sounding title of "unidentified aerial phenomena," or UAPs.

I can't see that name being as catchy in pop culture, can you?

Here's the livestream of the Congressional hearing going on right now:

