Watch Several Drivers Hustle On Foot Through A Busy Intersection To Rescue An Unresponsive Driver

A medical emergency caused the driver to become unresponsive -- their car rolling into traffic.

A Boynton Beach, Florida driver lost control of their vehicle after suffering a medical emergency that left them unresponsive behind the wheel. Thankfully, several other drivers left their cars to help the driver and prevent a worse accident.

The Boynton Beach Police Department released footage of the incident in order to thank the drivers that immediately took action. The video is available below:

On May 5, a woman suffered a medical episode while approaching a busy intersection behind the wheel; her car slowly crept across several lanes of traffic. Police report that a co-worker saw that woman unresponsive behind the wheel and left her own vehicle to offer help.

The co-worker tried to get the attention of other motorists to let them know that something was amiss before running up to the unresponsive driver's car. She pounded on the passenger side window and signaled to other drivers on the road, both to help and to move their vehicles out of the way.

After crossing through the intersection and into oncoming traffic, several other drivers abandoned their vehicles to help bring the wayward car to a stop. Then, with the aid of a dumbbell, the good samaritans broke open one of the car's windows to administer aid. The group of people then moved the vehicle off the road and into a convenience store parking lot, where medical professionals were able to assist the driver.

The driver of the vehicle is now doing OK, NPR reports.

While it can be hard to predict the sudden onset of a medical emergency, it's best to avoid driving if you feel unwell. Further, if you see a fellow driver undergo an emergency behind the wheel, it's important to take action immediately. If you're a passenger, put the car in neutral and turn on the emergency flashers if possible. If you're in a different vehicle, immediately alert authorities and, if possible, try to bring the other vehicle to a stop.

