Watch An Out Of Control Boat Run Ashore On A North Carolina Beach
Local officials claim that the boat was on autopilot when it went ashore.
A wild video out of North Carolina shows an out of control boat heading towards shore where it ran aground, injuring two people. Greenville, North Carolina's WNCT reported on the incident.
The incident happened at North Carolina's Atlantic Beach on June 22nd. Witnesses described how they saw the boat coming and were wondering why it wasn't turning or changing course.
"Shouldn't they turn?" is what Neil Vig said while recording the video and before the boat ran aground. He was visiting Atlantic Beach with his family from Minnesota. "Children ... hey."
"We couldn't believe what we were seeing," said Elaine Nichols, who was also visiting Atlantic Beach.
Some witnesses on a nearby balcony say they were yelling at people on the beach to get out of the way. That's when the boat came right to shore. One witness told WNCT that in decades of going to the beach they had never seen anything like it. "I'm 41 and grew up on the beach and been around boats my entire life and never seen anything like it. The last thing you expect to happen is a 48-foot sport fishing boat barreling towards the shore."
Of the seven people who were on the boat — named Full Cry — when it ran ashore, two were injured when it beached. Authorities have arrested the captain of the boat, Joseph Rivenbark. He's now facing charges including "operating a vessel in a reckless or negligent manner." Rivenbark told authorities that the boat was on autopilot when it went ashore. Authorities also confirmed there were no drugs or alcohol involved nor was there anything else wrong with the boat.