Watch A Finn Blow Up His Tesla Model S With Dynamite

It needed a whole new battery pack at a cost of over $22,000 so blowing it up with TNT was really the rational choice

In the lovely little village of Jaala, Finland, there lives a man named Tuomas Katainen, and Tuomas is the owner of a 2013 Tesla Model S. At first, Tuomas enjoyed his Tesla, but then it started throwing all kinds of codes and spent a month in a dealer's shop, where it was discovered that it needed an entire new battery pack. For 20,000 euros. Luckily, Tuomas had a backup plan in place: blow it up with dynamite.

Now, sure, 20,000 euros is an awful lot and changing out a Tesla battery pack is a huge pain in the ass, but it's not quite like that amount of money would have necessarily totaled the car. Used 2013 Model Ss in Finland look like they go for over 35,000 euros, easy.

But would fixing the car be more satisfying than telling the Tesla dealership something like this:

Probably not. Some things are just worth more than mere money.

So, a plan came together: an old quarry was found, friends were enlisted, and about 66 pounds of dynamite was sourced, and from what I can tell, dynamite looks almost exactly like big salamis:

Look at that! You could hang a bunch of those from the ceiling of a deli and no one would realize the destructive potential contained there, lurking above the rye and mustard.

Oh, they also stuck a mannequin-like thing—or maybe just a stuffed snowsuit—in the car with an Elon Musk face on it, dropping it to the location via helicopter, confirming for me that I really have no idea who this guy is or what kind of resources he has to play with:

Anyway, that's the general story: you piss off a Finn with a cripplingly-expensive repair, and shit's gonna get blown up. So watch:

Holy crap, right?

I like that this video does pose the hard question we're all likely thinking:

...and gives us the answer:

Well, there you go. The man got what he wanted!

