Virginia Auto Dealers Urged To 'Strap On Whatever It Takes' To Fight Tesla

"It's a real fight. It's a serious fight," Virginia Auto Dealers Association president Don Hall told his followers in a recent video message about being under attack from Tesla's direct sales model. "Let's all strap on whatever it takes to win and let's win this fight to protect the franchise system."

What does Don Hall want these dealers to strap on? A gun? A letter to their representatives? An uglier tie? Something, uh, else?

Tesla has long been fought by state dealership associations across the country lobbying to shut out the Silicon Valley EV builder's direct sales model. The dealers won in Texas. The dealers won in Connecticut. The dealers won in Michigan.

This little video turned up by Electrek gives you a bit of a glimpse into how dealer associations plan their anti-Tesla counterattacks and man, does is all sound colossally dumb.

If you're wondering if this is how Tesla talks to his throngs of supporters, read this, but I promise you it's much more boring.

