Users Guide To Jalopnik: New Comments Features Addition

The editors here at Jalopnik dot com supply the posts, but your comments are what make us a family (and we mean that in the massive scotch-and-tryptophan-fueled argument after Thanksgiving dinner kind of way). That's why we've now made it even easier for you to keep track of your favorite commenters right from the front page.

First, log in using your comment ID and password in the boxes at the top of the page. If you don't have an ID already, click the "new user" to sign up. Once you're logged in, click on your comment ID displayed at the top of the page where it says "welcome." This leads to your commenting home page, and along with updating your picture and screen name here, you can see all your comments, clipped posts and view your current friends and followers.

Friends and followers, what's that? Next time you see a brilliantly witty or life-altering comment, click the + button next to it and you'll have made a new best commenting friend. This also turns you into a follower, illustrating a cold truth of social dynamics.

After you have friended someone, links to their latest comments will begin appearing on the front page of the site mixed in between the regular posts. This gives you the ability to scan the page as always, while at the same time stalking following your friends and finding out what they are talking about. You'll be notified of any comments your friends make across all Gawker Media blogs (not just this one).

If you want to see a list of your followers, just go back to your profile page. You can also un-friend someone by clicking the x button next to their commenter name. If you want to see all of a particular person's comments in one place, click on their commenter name — you can even write a personal
message on their profile page.

If you encounter any problems with these new features, let us know in the comments below or at (be sure to note your OS and browser type). Welcome to the new world of Gawker comments, tell us what you think.

