Last week the federal government chastised General Motors for having a list of words testers aren't allowed to use to describe safety defects, like "safety" or "defect." Some of the others are downright hilarious. Now you can come up with your own!
Is your Pontiac Solstice a "crippling defective evil disemboweling powder keg-mobile"? Could your Saturn Ion be a "failed malicious unstable Titanic-mobile"? Could your Cobalt be a "ghastly impaling failed defect-mobile"?
This helpful website, General Motors Product Descriptor, will tell you. It's based on the actual list of banned words that went public last week. Simply click the button to come up with more descriptors. Here's a few I liked:
maniacal hobbling serious unstable Hindenburg-mobile
Kevorkianesque hobbling defective suicidal widow-maker-mobile
suicidal big time startling powder keg-mobile
bad potentially-disfiguring grisly Cobain-mobile
decapitating life-threatening failed defect condemn-mobile
apocalyptic chaotic suffocating eviscerated defect explode-mobile
Damn, that last one could be a Jalopnik headline. *Save to notes*
Anyway, it's all in good fun, but check it out before it gets pulled down by too much traffic or threat of litigation. And enjoy your eviscerating Cobain-mobiles.