U.S. Soldiers Film Themselves Pranking Iraqi By Planting A Grenade In His Trunk

A reality TV show that pranks celebrities by planting fake bombs in their cars is causing a stir in Iraq. But a couple months ago, U.S. soldiers filmed themselves planting a live grenade in an Iraqi's trunk as a 'prank.'

The video was uploaded to Youtube in April by Sergeant Leo Dunson, who's now back in the U.S. and apparently done with the military. The description reads:

This is my partner and I working at a Traffic control point in Iraq. We decided to scare one of the locals a bit by placing a grenade in his trunk while he wasn't looking. This was all in fun and never in any intent to harm anyone.

In an interview with War News Radio, Dunson explained why he posted the video:

I got the one video of us playing MTV Punk'd. When we were over there we were playing all sorts of jokes, here and there, having fun... you know, i didn't want people to think that we were just over there and that we hated all of them

Hearts and Minds, people! But, given the uproar over "Put Him in Camp Bucca"—the Iraqi reality show where they do basically the same thing, only with fake bombs and celebrity victims—it's hard to imagine Iraqis really appreciate having a grenade stuck in their trunk by U.S. soldiers, no matter how well-intended.

In addition to being an aspiring Ashton Kutcher, Dunson's also an aspiring rapper, performing military-themed tracks under the name "Sgt. Dunson". Here's his video for "Over There"

Visit his Myspace page. Yes, this is a guy who would find planting a grenade in an Iraqi's trunk hilarious.

Normally we'd respond to this with outrage and demand a congressional inquiry. But since combat operations are over and nobody gives a shit about Iraq anymore, we'll just offer some career advice to Sgt. Dunson, who, according to his Twitter, now lives in Las Vegas and is taking college classes: Do the music thing first, then a reality show. Never the other way around.

