U.S. Navy's 'UFO Patents' Could Revolutionize Propulsion, But Probably Not
The U.S. Navy brass seems to be watching a bit too much Star Trek because the military branch recently filed some mind-blowing patents for things like a compact fusion reactor strong enough to power cities, an electromagnetic field generator and an aircraft that's also a submarine. Wait, what?
Publications are calling these wild ideas the 'UFO Patents.' They are the work of mad scientist Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, and the War Zone's deep investigation into these insane inventions reveals that he has quite the resume. Pais worked in Navy divisions like the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAVAIR) and the Strategic Systems Programs (SSP). The latter division is responsible for the Trident class nuclear missiles launched from submarines.
But what is more amazing than his resume is his list of patents. Vice has a summary of everything the War Zone found:
The patents all build on each other, but at their core is something Pais called the "Pais Effect." This is the idea that, "controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transients, in order to generate extremely high energy/high intensity electromagnetic fields."
Essentially, Pais is claiming to use properly spun electromagnetic fields to contain a fusion reaction. That plasma fusion reaction he claims to have invented will revolutionize power consumption. Experts theorize that a functioning fusion reactor would lead to cheap and ubiquitous energy.
One of Pais and the Navy's patents described what the propulsion system and fusion drive would be used for—a "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft." According to the patent, the craft could travel land, sea, and outer space at incredible speeds. Other patents invented by Pais and filed by the Navy include a "high temperature superconductor," a "electromagnetic field generator," and a "high frequency gravitational wave generator."
If this sounds too good to be true, you aren't alone. Navy authorities and even scientists in the field didn't believe him and his patents went through a review at NAVAIR. But in the end, Pais was shown to be legitimate enough for the Navy as the branch says some of his impressive inventions somehow actually work.

All of his inventions sound completely ripped from the pages of science fiction, but apparently, at least some of them are possible. Pais bragged to the War Zone about his accomplishments. I warn you, this may get confusing:
The fact that my work on the design of a Compact Fusion Reactor was accepted for publication in such a prestigious journal as IEEE TPS, should speak volumes as to its importance and credibility – and should eliminate (or at least alleviate) all misconceptions you (or any other person) may have in regard to the veracity (or possibility) of my advanced physics concepts.
Do realize that my work culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect (original physical concept).
Such high energy [electromagnetic] radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) – the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence – Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges. The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you have closely been following my work, you understand the importance of.
That second paragraph sounds like a bunch of rambling, but it actually ties into another one of Pais inventions. This is the "craft using an inertial mass reduction device" that Pais believes could revolutionize propulsion and power generation. We're talking about an "engine" that theoretically never runs out of fuel. Pais describes the craft itself as being conical with an elliptical cross-section. It can fly and go underwater, too.

If we can engineer the structure of the local quantum vacuum state, we can engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level (thus affecting a physical system's inertial and gravitational properties). This realization would greatly advance the fields of aerospace propulsion and power generation.
Pais sounds absolutely awesome and honestly, it doesn't surprise me one bit that the Navy is working on some weird futuristic stuff. I imagine that nuclear technology likely felt equally impossible to people in the early 20th Century. I'm not quite sold on that engine, though..
I do wonder if any of these inventions we hear about will ever reach the public though. The War Zone's several months of investigation into these insane inventions are worth a read if you can't get enough of Pais' madness.