Two Arrested In Florida For Hitting 199 MPH In A Street Race They Probably Won
Both the driver and passenger were arrested and charged with street racing.
A pair of young men were arrested at around 1 a.m. on Sunday in Orange County, Florida, and charged with street racing after they were allegedly clocked at 199 mph in a borrowed Chevrolet Camaro. Look, I'm not going to claim that I didn't do stupid shit when I was young, but two-hundred damn miles an hour? That's beyond the pale. My folks knew how stupid I acted with a 140-horsepower Grand Prix with 300,000 miles on it, I wasn't allowed within 300 feet of a car that could go that fast!
The OC Sheriff's Office wrote in the affidavit that they had received several calls regarding "possible illegal street races in the area" near North Shore Golf Club. 20-year-old driver Luis Lozano-Figueroa and 23-year-old passenger Mario Paz-Gil were arrested for their roles in the alleged race, while an unnamed minor passenger was released to his parents. It's dumb enough risking your own life at these kinds of speeds on public streets, but to bring along a 16-year-old and risk killing them, too? Bro, how about you don't do that.
199 mph ⁉ These two young men quickly found out what happens when you engage in unlawful and dangerous street racing in Orange County.
In the early hours of Sunday morning, our deputies clocked their car going 199 miles per hour on the Florida Turnpike. So guess where they went...
— Orange County Sheriff's Office (@OrangeCoSheriff) January 22, 2024
The car in question is listed as a red Camaro belonging to Lozano-Figueroa's father. There aren't many Camaros capable of near-200 mile per hour speeds. It's possible that it was a factory-supercharged ZL1 model (pictured above), or it could be an SS model with any number of aftermarket power adder devices. There are many ways to make a Camaro go 200 miles per hour, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable at those speeds in one. And definitely not on public streets.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, the Camaro and another unnamed car were allegedly attempting to "out-distance each other for the purpose of comparing the relative speeds or power of acceleration of their motor vehicles within a certain distance or time limit," the affidavit continues.
Orange County deputies claim they found a dash camera inside the car which "they believe was used to capture videos for Lozano-Figueroa's Instagram." Sadly the deputies didn't list the guy's @ so we could give him a follow and watch the video. A quick search of his name on Instagram didn't turn up any gearheads with red Camaros. If you follow this guy on IG, drop a link in the comments so we can see what other allegedly self-incriminating acts he's up to.
There's no mention of why the passenger in the vehicle was arrested, or what happened to the other car they were racing. Hopefully they'll be deterred from doing this dumb shit again.