Treadmill Racing Is The Best Racing You Can Watch On Thanksgiving

This isn't any worse than watching the Detroit Lions

Well, it's Thanksgiving. You're gonna see your beloved relatives, you're gonna eat a meal that's fine but not really good enough to be served more than once a year. You're gonna steep in a hot room with a bunch of snoozing uncles while the bleak spectacle of a nationally televised Detroit Lions game drones on the TV. Or, you could bury your nose in your phone and watch Spongebob battle Keekychow on some guy's treadmill.

Obviously, watching a can of tomato sauce race against a Poké Ball, a fire truck and a bottle of Gatorade isn't as good as watching Lewis Hamilton try to come from behind to steal a title from Max Verstappen. But that's not an option tomorrow. And aren't you at least a little interested in knowing what kind of tape can hang on the longest? Start one of these races. I defy you to close the window before you know which object is the last one standing/rolling. You can't do it.

Maybe you've got a smart TV, you can pull this up and start taking some bets. Start your own little illegal sports gambling tradition in the comfort of your grandma's home! She'll love it!

Here's that tape race:

It's actually one of a few tape races. That silver tape is good stuff!

When I dropped these in Slack this morning, David said he really hopes this is this YouTuber's primary source of income. I hope that someday, he's surveying his vast land holdings or walking through a warehouse packed to the brim with priceless collectible cars and explaining to someone with student loan debt that he made his fortune goofing around with an old treadmill in his basement. Regardless, it certainly looks like he's having fun.

There are enough of these on YouTube to keep you and yours busy all day!

