Transformers Movie Update: Jazz Is A Pontiac Solstice?

Transformers fan-boy site TFW2005 is claiming they've seen, on set, the vehicular form for Autobot Jazz:

We also did get a chance to take a first hand look at Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee and Jazz all in their vehicle forms (by the way Jazz is a grey hard top convertible Pontiac Solstice).'s also confirming it:

A sticker on the vehicle bears the traditional Autobots logo. Jazz is a curvy silver coupe, the latest Pontiac Solstice. It seemed like one guy's entire job was to buff the car and make sure it remained shiny during the carnage.

Eeeew...gross. Seriously — couldn't they have gone with the Solstice's Saturn brother-in-law, the Sky? We mean — come on, Bay — get a grip!

Confirmed: Movie Jazz is a Pontiac Solstice – Movie Set Reports []

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