This YouTube Channel Is Just Videos Of Drivers Who Can't Make This Curve, And I'll Be Watching Them All Day

The OG Curve on YouTube is the new 11 FOOT 8 BRIDGE

We all love a bit of schadenfreude on occasion, who can blame us, we're only human. So when a new YouTube channel pops up and it's just footage of drivers taking a sharp corner too quickly, and the results of their screwup, of course we're going to sit and watch these videos until the cows come home. There's nothing that can make you feel better about your own driving abilities than watching others bash their cars and motorcycles against rocks, trees, sharp curve signs, or other cars. Thankfully this curve is slow enough that none of these crashes appear to be particularly dangerous, and certainly not fatal.

So journey down the rabbit hole with us as we review a bunch of videos of dummies driving poorly. It'll be fun!

Just Jeepin’ Around

A Jeep driver is over-confident in the abilities of their crossover in a blizzard. Not really shocking, is it?

The Brake’s On The Left

This Accord absolutely ate a rock head-on, and it can't feel its radiator anymore. Less loud pedal, more brake.

Tesla Crunches, Then Gets Crunched

I swear, ya'll need to be buying better tires and driving with larger gaps to the car ahead. This is ridiculous.

Might Have Made It If You Kept Your Foot In

A dab of oppo and a quick boot to the throttle might have pulled this one off. Maybe.

Three In One!

Car goes off the road. Tow truck comes. Car hits another car avoiding the first crash. A tale as old as time.

Gettin’ It Coming And Going

This curve is apparently difficult to navigate from both directions.

Lockin’ Up

This older GM had a hard time getting whoa'd up in time for the corner, and the layer of salt on the ground didn't help.

Take It Easy

This Lamborghini and Ferrari duo understand the rules of the game at OG Corner. Go slow, make it home.

The Mitsubishi Slide

It's called understeer. Get used to it.

Ural In Trouble

Sidecars scare the shit out of me, and this has a lot to do with it. You can see that the rider got in a little too hot and instead of being able to lean into the curve, the sidecar lifts up and runs the whole damn thing out of shape. I hope the landing was soft.

Dump Truck

This GMC pickup ain't hauling nothin' but the mail. Boom, took out a sign and the entire left front suspension.

The Wrong Way vs. The Right Way

A scientific study of the effect of weight on centripetal force and the pull of the ditch.

Here’s Your Sign

When there's a series of big yellow signs with a reflective black arrow on them, maybe slow down a little more.

Takumi Fujiwara, I Presume?

I wonder if you knowHow they live in TokyoIf you seen it, then you mean itThen you know you have to go...

Four Hit Combo

That header into the tree would have been a lot worse if they hadn't hit three other signs and trees on the way in.

Almost Saved It

Who put that sign there?

The Compilation

Here's some more compiled into a big video that didn't make it to their own YouTube clips. Just keep watching them on repeat and enjoy the rest of your day.

