This Taylor Swift NASCAR Paint Job Is Bizarre And Completely Real

What do you get when you combine cheesy corporate pop stardom with a big box store and a NASCAR entry? A Taylor Swift race car, of course

Juan Pablo Montoya will drive the No. 42 Chevrolet at the Kansas NASCAR race this weekend, and the car will be decked with a huge, pouty-lipped Taylor Swift face.

The livery has been chosen by sponsor Target to market new album, Red, which will be released solely in Target stores the day after the race. Consequently, the album's name is also Target's favorite color. Coincidence? I think not.

Taylor Swift is popular and all, but the hood of a race car is a strange place to see her face. You could say that this makes a mockery of NASCAR, but if you think about it, NASCAR is pretty far removed from the macho stock car races of decades ago, when bootleggers like Junior Johnson ran souped up rum runners.

Charlie Brown's famous exclamation "It's all wrong, it's too commercial!" has no place in NASCAR.

It's all right, it, too is commercial.

Photo credit: Earnhardt Ganassi Racing

