This Mysterious C4 Corvette Contains A Tiny Rainforest

A reader just sent in a bunch of photos of a white C4 Corvette filled with plants, twigs, a plastic bag (?), a muffler (??), and concrete (???). I don't know what's going on, but I figured I'd share it with you, dear readers. Update: It appears to be a famous Corvette!

It's Friday, and that means readers are so excited about the weekend that they've dropped their standards enough to allow me to get away with writing a blog that really isn't about much other than some weird pictures from a Connecticut reader.

"C4 Corvette garden" reads the email title from Jim Cooper. "I happened upon an innocuous C4 buried way in the back of an industrial warehouse in Norwalk, CT," he wrote. "It's been sitting unprotected for a.... while." Cooper attached some pictures:

"It's surrounded by an older Lincoln hearse and (2) GIANT trailer spotlights. Like for a grand opening thing. Obviously, the owner is eclectic," the email continued.

The biggest mystery, aside from all the plants in the car, was what was on the dash. "What I could NOT figure out," Cooper concluded, "was the concrete(?) up above the dash in the window...So. Many. Questions."

Here's a look at the "concrete" in question:

You'll notice that holding up the "concrete" is what appears to be some sort of straight horizontal beam—apparently made of square tubing. Actually, that's not square tubing, that's just the lip of the C4 Corvette dash. It just looks that way, with the passenger's side dash pad jutting out from underneath. Behold:

Anyway, I wish I had answers. I could hypothesize, as my coworker Erin did, that leaves fell into the car, turned into dirt, and facilitated lots of plant growth. That's logical, and while it does explain the beautiful foliage, it doesn't explain the dash deposits.

The filth at the base of the windshield makes me wonder if the car was involved in a flood, though does this look like a flood-damaged car?

I guess it's hard to tell. The flood could have been three decades ago.

Maybe some enterprising owner was trying to fix cowl shake, and figured a few layers of concrete would keep that windshield and windshield frame from vibrating? Hey, not all ideas are winners.

Anyway, I don't know what's going on with this C4 Corvette, though I am curious if it's still got a powertrain in it, and I'm especially curious it if has the Dough-Nash "4+3" manual transmission. Because if so, I wonder if I could borrow it to tear it down and ogle at its mechanical wizardry.

UPDATE: We may have an answer!

