This Motorcycle-Powered Piaggio Ape Makes The Best Snonuts
Oh yes. The proper way to do a good snowy donut is with a little three-wheeled Italian thing powered by a Triumph 675 Street Triple engine and a full boot of send it leaning on the throttle pedal. When you've got a zinger of a motor stuck on the back axle of what was originally a little trucklet built for European cities and speeds no higher than 30 kph you really need to give it the welly and make that motor sing.
Join the chorus, little three cylinder, for the white has fallen from on high to bless us with low traction and facilitate lurid wheel-spinning three-wheel drifts. Bless us, every one.
That is the Loony Tunes Francesco Guerrini at the wheel of the 106 horsepower Big Wheel with chunky snow tires during a round of the 2020 Ice Challenge in Livigno [just south of the famous Matterhorn] Northern Italy. Every second of this video is filled with high-RPM bonkers sliding, and I can only beg for more of it.
I moved away from Michigan because I hate the frigid temperatures and copious snow, but I could be tempted to go back if I had access to a machine as incredibly weird and fun as this.
If you aren't already following Francesco on Instagram, I highly recommend it. There are plenty of photos and videos of this wild machine up there for you to ogle.