This Man Was Arrested For Driving While Masturbating With A Toy Gun In His Butt

A St. Lucie County, Florida man was caught masturbating while driving yesterday, and employing a toy gun in novel ways.

Robert Casey, 49, appears to be a creative and advanced-level onanist, employing techniques most of us can scarcely imagine, as the toy gun tied to his leg would indicate. The toy gun was partially hidden within the naked man's buttocks, and was also tied around his genitals. Sadly, the arresting officer neglected to sketch a quick diagram.

Casey's elaborate self-pleasure drive was noticed by a tow truck driver, who spotted the naked man in a Jeep Cherokee and noted that "the male's hands were in his groin area moving around," according to the police report.

The police report goes on to state that when the officer pulled him over, he was struggling to get dressed, and when pressed, had no explanation as to why he was naked. There was also no explanation of the toy gun-to-junk rig, either.

This is not Casey's first brush with the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. According to court records, he was convicted in 2008 of indecent exposure. In 2003, he was arrested for "lewd and lascivious behavior," although no trial was held. Back in 1999, he was arrested for "defacing or tearing down" a traffic control device. Unsurprisingly, the court recorded a dissolution of his marriage with Kimberle Casey in 2004, perhaps before or as his public masturbating problem was going into full swing.

Bond for Mr.Casey is set at $30,000 according to his police report, which may be a small price to pay for the secret to what appears to be the pinnacle of self-pleasure research. (Hat tip to Marc)

Photo Credit: St. Lucie County Jail

