This Is How The New Holden Non-V8 Supercars Sound And I'm Not Sure I Like It

I know Australian Supercars haven't always been V8 Supercars. I know. I know! But darn it if listening to the new twin-turbo V6 Holden Supercars engine leaves me with a big sad hole in my heart to the tune of some less impressive higher-pitched V6 noises.

Here's Supercars driver Craig Lowndes taking the new twin-turbo V6 out for a spin after it had been stuffed into Triple Eight Race Engineering's mad Holden Sandman. Lowndes is out on Australia's Norwell Motorplex, and it looks fast.

In any other context, I'd probably be in love with this engine. It pumps out 635 brake horsepower. It makes good poppy noises off-throttle, with a nice soprano line of straight-cut racing gearbox whine backing it up.

But after hearing the deep rumble of V8s in this series for so long, I don't know, man. Aurally, it's a bit of a downgrade—a rattle instead of a roar. I'm just glad that noise doesn't affect the racing for me all that much, otherwise I'd probably rage-quit cars right about now.

Thankfully, Supercars drivers are always going to be completely nuts behind the wheel of whatever they're in, so we're in for a show even if they all get surprise-put into a set of Zambonis. So, let's be honest: with 635 bhp in a crazy rear-wheel-drive car, I'm still definitely going to check out some Supercars racing.

