This Is A Ridiculously Cool Use Of Both Trains And Bikes

It's the kind of cool that makes you put both your hands on your head in shock and delight

I don't have the kinds of skills needed to do a bicycle backflip, regardless of the circumstances. But I especially don't have the skills to do it on the back of a moving ten-car freight train. Polish rider and Crankworkx Triple Crown winner Dawid Godziek worked with his brother Szymon to build a series of special jumps and quarter pipe tricks that he could do on a moving train. The result is an incredible sequence of two-wheeled dominance, like something out of a wild action film.

Click the play button and you'll probably be totally blown away by the result, you know, if you have even a modicum of childlike wonder left in your cold heart. Godziek manages to apply exactly the right speed to match the train's speed, which means visually he is doing all of these tricks without moving relative to the landscape. It's a simple concept in theory, but the ability to assemble all of this, get it connected to a train, and pull off the tricks without crashing and being run over by big metal train wheels truly impresses me.

I don't know what a relative speed of zero miles per hour does to make doing these tricks harder or easier, but it seems like they've got it down to a science. I guess it would be pretty similar to walking toward the back of a passenger train while in motion, which isn't much different from just walking normally. I guess he would still need the same amount of forward speed to move backward along the train. Maybe I'm overthinking the whole thing. If a plane is on a treadmill going 100 miles per hour, will the plane ever take off? That kind of thing.

What's more, Godziek had to do all of this while wearing bright orange Prada pants.

