This Backyard Airplane-Corvette Monster Is Pretty Much Why Craigslist Exists

Every now and then something shows up on Craigslist that says more about the beauty of the human condition than countless, tedious books on the subject. This ad for a home-made airplane/Corvette with Dodge power is one of those ads.

It's seems to have been from the Charlotte area, and first went up a couple months ago, and now it has a rightful home on the Best of Craigslist. The ad copy is almost as good as the pictures, and suggests a strange, almost Yoda-like speech pattern:

Airplane Corvette Custom Project one of a kind

1963 Mooney Airplane on a 1984 Corvette stretched frame and suspension with a 1998 Dodge V-6 fuel injected engine automatic transmission

furnished are, all the necessary major components to finish the project ... or .... my shop could Unusual ... one of a kind

It seem I have come under ridicule for my creation, which is in actuality recycling. The Plane crashed in a field never to fly again and was headed to the scrapyard as was the Vette and Dakota truck. As to me making this thing fly, I believe I can get it up to speed. [...]

all U need is Vision and capital, anything is possible

It's that "furnished are, all the necessary major components..." that really feels Yoda-like, and the ending aphorism of "all U need is Vision and capital, anything is possible" reads sort of like what a hypothetical Yoda/Prince love child would sound like.

I really hope someone bought this for their daily driver. That interior looks pretty good — it has curtains, even! I mean come on — Mopar power, 'Vette pop-up headlights, lightweight aluminum body, plenty of cargo room in that truncated tail, curtains — this thing is an ideal car for pretty much anyone.

If this thing was sold, and someone is actually finishing the project and somehow sees this, please, send us some pictures when it's finished. I'm expecting magical results.

(thanks, Rich Boote!)

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