Thirst Over The First Picture Of Adam Driver As Enzo Ferrari In New Biopic

Look at this man. He may not look like Enzo Ferrari, but he sure is beautiful.

It's the latest step in Adam Driver's quest to portray every famous Italian person in a movie. The award-winning actor is set to play Enzo Ferrari in Michael Mann's upcoming biopic Ferrari, and now we finally have our first image of the actor to thirst over (for you oldies: look at).

Did Enzo Ferrari ever once look like this? Absolutely not. It was time for the world to get a Daddy-ified Enzo Ferrari. I mean, look at him. I feel like I'm in a John Oliver bit right now.

Rip my fingernails out, you redwood tree of a man. Slap me in the face you diabolic mountain person. I love you.

Anyway, enough of whatever that is.

According to Deadline, the movie is being shot in Italy, and features Penélope Cruz, Shailene Woodley, Patrick Dempsey and – of course – the world's largest adult son, Adam Driver.

It's set during the summer of 1957 when Ferrari entered the Mille Miglia race covering 1,000 miles of Italy. It'll probably be very good. I've got nothing to base that on, but goddamn. I mean, Jesus. Look at this guy.

The movie is slated to come out sometime next year, and I will be first in line for reasons.

Sure, they could have gotten a person that actually looked like Enzo Ferrari, but who wants that? I want a hunk behind the wheel. Plus, his name is Driver. That's a match made in heaven.

Anyway, I'm going to rewatch House of Gucci and that Star Wars Undercover Boss Skit from SNL, because while Kylo Ren may be hot, the sequel movies are ass. See you guys later. In the meantime, enjoy this sultry look from a man who could pick you up and throw you like Groot.

