These Hand Drawn Pictures Of Dragons Fucking Cars Are Uncomfortably Great

No matter how niche of an interest you might have, there is an area on Reddit to satisfy you. From Top Gear fanatics to comedy lovers and fans of auto shop mishaps to people that really like dogs, there is a Reddit for everything.

But if you loved to hand draw pictures of dragons having gratuitous sex with cars, you were left high and dry. Until now.

Last night we were directed to the subreddit /r/dragonsfuckingcars. This is a very literal name and means exactly what you think it means. This is composed solely of pictures of dragons, nature's most wondrous and mythical creature, banging cars with 100 percent accurately sized and shaped penises. At least I assume they're accurate. I only took one class on dragon anatomy in high school.

For those who don't know, we first popularized the dragon trend way back in 2007, little knowing it would become a web phenomenon just a few years later. And by "web phenomenon" we of course mean "totally weird shit that has a home on reddit."

Some of them are a bit rough and a tad crude while others seem to have a lot of care taken in how they're drawn.

No matter what, it's damn hilarious. And fair warning, it's pretty NSFW, unless your boss is cool with you looking at dragons with massive dicks all day long.

This also means our own Car Dragoner Emeritus has been outdone by a vast country mile. Well done internet!

