These Cars Were Turned Into Pirate Ships For A Hollywood Film And Now They're For Sale

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If you’ve spent any time browsing Craigslist, you probably think you’ve seen it all: luxury car campers, pickup truck beds on sedans, strange body swaps—everything. But this Craigslist ad out of Hollywood just took Craigslisting to a new level. See if you can recognize what’s under these boat costumes.

Seven cars have been hilariously modified to look like pirate ships for “an adventurous fantasy film recently shot at NBC Universal by Footprint Productions,” the Craigslist ad says.

The road-going vessels were all characters in the film, and the Craigslist posting even describes the cars’ personalities in the listings. Let’s see if you can recognize the cast:

What’s Under The Costume?

Alex The Hero (Stage 3)

With his solid wood siding, shining lights and mighty mast, “Alex the Hero” is the sturdiest ship on the high streets. He’ll forever challenge his adventurous foe “Jenna the Hero” for dominance and glory over all pirates.


Alex The Hero (Stage 1)

“Alex the Hero” Stage ONE is one of two versions of this ship. Stage One is a simpler, base version of the elaborate “Alex the Hero” Stage Three ship. Can easily be upgraded to the extent of your pirate desires.


Jenna The Hero (Stage 3)

With her sleek design and myriad sails, “Jenna the Hero” is the fastest ship on the high streets. Rumor has it, the baby dolls that sway from the swings at her stern give her extra power to lay waste her ultimate rival in adventure, “Alex the Hero.”


Jenna The Hero (Stage 1)

“Jenna the Hero” Stage ONE is one of two versions of this ship. Stage One is a simpler, base version of the elaborate “Jenna the Hero” Stage Three. Can easily be upgraded to the extent of your pirate desires.



“Pocahontas” is the only other “lady” in the armada after “Jenna the Hero.” Jenna’s most reliable companion, Pocahontas’ aerodynamics assure she keeps apace the Hero. Her unique tie-dye-esque stained wooden paneling ripples out from her bow like a wave.



“Barrett” is “Alex the Hero’s” right hand man, through seas wild and calm. The golden lantern on his bow leads him formidable berth, illuminating all manner of pirate endeavors at street.



Pirates who know him call him “Charlie Catfish.” He looks like he’s sprouted wheels in place of his fins, and emerged from the deep, a scaly vessel bound for adventure.


Dramatis Personae

Could you figure out who was under the costumes? Here’s the dramatis personae (the list of characters):

  • 2002 Ford Explorer as Alex The Hero (Stage 3)
  • 1996 Jeep Cherokee as Alex The Hero (Stage 1)
  • 2001 Volvo S80 as Jenna The Hero (Stage 3)
  • 1997 Volvo 850 as Jenna The Hero (Stage 1)
  • 1996 Nissan Altima GLE as Pocahontas
  • 1997 Dodge Caravan as Barrett
  • 1996 Mercedes C220 as Charlie

The clearly-very-talented ships can be purchased for $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the vessel. And though this armada isn’t street legal, the seller did apparently get an experienced fabricator to draw up plans describing what it would take to get these vehicles back on the road legally.


But why would you want to do that? Either use them for parts for your $600 beater, or just leave them the way they are, because I think they look awesome.

I’ve got to give the designer mad props.