These Cars Have The Goofiest Faces

Do you personify inanimate objects? If you read Jalopnik, I'd venture to say yes.

We often personify our cars with names and personalities, but we all know they're technically inanimate, right? I guess, but some cars look like they're begging to come to life. Last week I tasked you with sharing your favorite cars that have goofy faces, with my example being the Nissan Cube Krom, but the Jalopnik audience had many more great answers to the question.

As someone who owns a car with a goofy face, I really enjoy when cars have personality. It makes it easier to bond with your car and to start and treating it like a friend rather than an appliance. I'm also a single 28-year-old who lives alone and has no pets, so I might be an outlier, but I'd like to think that everyone with a silly looking car does the same thing. Either way, here are 15 cars with goofy ass faces.

2000 Morgan Aero 8

Cross-eyed Morgan Aero 8. I believe it is either Mini or New Beetle headlights originally

I always knew the Aero 8 had an unfortunate face, but I honestly didn't know it shared headlights with the Volkswagen New Beetle! You learn something every day.

Submitted by: NBM343

1989 Nissan S-Cargo

I'll admit it: I duckduckgoed for something goofy-unusual and I came up with this—the '89 Nissan S-cargo. S-cargo being a pun on "escargot"—snail—and yeah, nothing blisteringly fast about this van's look. So gotta give the Japanese credit for going unabashedly goofy with its styling.

This answer is so correct and so out of character for you, the1969DodgeChargerFan. Really showing your range today!

Submitted by: the1969DodgeChargerFan

Rolls-Royce Phantom VII

The Rolls Royce Phantom VII looks like it's concentrating really hard on what it will present at the next board meeting while taking some much needed "me time" on the toilet.

I never considered the Phantom to have a face, but I can definitely see it now. It's a stuffy face, for sure.

Submitted by: paradsecar  

Mitsuoka Orochi

I can't not think it's saying "herpa derpa derpa derp" every time I see it.

Unfortunately I agree with this, one of two cringey derpey comments. Is the whole derp trend back or is it still cringe? I say still cringe.

Submitted by: SarDeliac

NC2 Mazda Miata

I know you already brought up Miata, but look how happy it is! The NC is the particularly smiley Miata. It's just hanging out on the road the Throttle House boys film on having fun. Yep... that's my car too. And you're damn right I'm checking the weather daily to determine when it's good to bring it out of it's winter nap.

I will never forgive the Miata for being too small for me to fit in.

Submitted by: dolsh

Fiat Multipla

Fiat Multipla

Eloquently put, Klone121. The original Multipla has to be one of the goofiest looking cars ever.

Submitted by: klone121

The Iconic Edsels

I genuinely cannot believe this was not suggested yet.

Haters love to hate on the Edsel face, but I've always loved it.

Submitted by: Tim the KNinja

1999 Hyundai Tiburon


Are millennials the new boomers? I'm guessing this comment was made by a millennial. The car does have a goofy face, I'll give ya that, but why the cringey comment? My skin is crawling, y'all.

Submitted by: dustynguyendood

1959 Dodge Coronet

1959 Dodge. Looks like an angry girl with braces.

Hey now, guys can have beautiful expressive eyebrows and braces, too!

Submitted by: Earthbound Misfit I

Kaiser Darrin

The Kaiser Darrin looks like it just ate something really sour.

Garland, this is so beautifully succinct. I freakin' love the Kaiser Darrin and now I will never not be able to see someone who just popped a sour candy.

Submitted by: Garland

Panoz Esperante

How about the Panoz Esparante? It's so ugly it's kinda cute, if you imagine that it's got its widdle cheeks filled with acorns like an adorable, automotive hamster!

Who am I kidding? It's just fugly.

You really hit the nail on the head, Skamanda. It totally looks like a chipmunk with acorns in its cheeks.

Submitted by: Skamanda

Austin-Healey Sprite

Some people find it cute, I most definitely find it goofy...

I guess goofy and cute can coexist. I see both arguments.

Submitted by: Ettore

2020 Hyundai Sonata

I can't unsee the sad catfish face on the Sonota, ever.

Oof yeah I can see why you'd say that. It does look a bit plecostomussy.

Submitted by: NCDave

Gumpert Apollo

The Apollo Gumpert. First of all the name itself is goofy sounding...he he Gumpert, what a Gump...Gumpy, Ha! and then it looks like it's trying to see far away, but can't, and is squinting. Or It can't believe what the new neighbors are doing. But I love it though

It looks like an evil cat in a cartoon. No, I will not elaborate.

Submitted by: darthspartan117

SsangYong Actyon

Early 2000s Ssangyongs

It's giving Proboscis Monkey or Beluga Whale with that protruding grille.

Submitted by: Nakam

