These Are Your Favorite Car Chase Scenes From Movies

Your picks ranged from "Ronin" and "The Blues Brothers" to the Bourne and Terminator franchises

Earlier this week I asked y'all to share your favorite car chase scenes from movies, and you delivered. Some of you picked some of my other favorite car chases, like from "The Bourne Identity," "Jack Reacher" and "Terminator 2," while others named movies I had never seen before. Click through to watch all of the best car chases that people suggested, and let us know in the comments which of your favorites were missed.


Honestly, any of the ones from Ronin

The best one is Ronin. it had everything but the most important it felt real with daily moderate fast cars. You normally have chases with non speed matching cars in other movies but in Ronin they matched the cars to perfection, plus the chases and camera work and sound where top notch

Ronin, Ronin.....Ronin

I will not be skipping the obvious. The correct answer is Ronin. Entirely practical, expertly cut, it speaks for itself.

Also, upon rewatch I realized this MAY be the first reverse entry drift in motion pictures.

Ronin – Car Chase in Paris Full 1080p HD (

Suggested by: mentec, LIGO12, Bollocks66, DubDub

This was one of the most common answers, and that's not surprising, though it's never been one of my favorites for some reason. The movie itself didn't really grab me, and while the chase scenes are exceptionally well done, I don't find myself wanting to rewatch them.

“The Blues Brothers”

So many in The Blues Brothers. Final one is legendary, but the one in the mall is also pretty good.

It doesn't get much better than the Blues Brothers car chase through the mall.

Suggested by: ThePigeon, The Dude

We need more action movies with goofy car chases.

“Jack Reacher”

The car chase from Jack Reacher involving the 1970 Chevelle and the Audi A6

Suggested by: HiVuhltage

This is another favorite of mine, I'm glad someone mentioned it.

“Strange Brew”

I'll skip the obvious choices. Here's mine. Technically a chase as they are being followed by Max Von Sydow and Paul Dooley in a Town Car

Suggested by: dustynnguyendood

I'm adding this to my Letterboxd watchlist.

“The Bourne Identity”

Without question

Every time I'm changing channels and I end up on The Bourne Identity, I have to watch it for the incredible car chase through Paris.

"Don't look. Turn away, turn away."

Suggested by: Half Man Half Bear Half Pig, Clare

God, the Bourne movies fucking rule. "The Bourne Supremacy" has a great chase, too:

“Terminator 2" And “Terminator 3"

The crane chase in the LA River in T2 is pretty neat, blew me away when I saw it in the theater the first time. Most of the Terminator movies have at least one decent chase scene.

Terminator 3, when the T-X is chasing John Connor & Kate Brewster in a wide load truck with a huge crane while the T-800 is trying to catch up on his motorcycle.The T-X is driving through a few city blocks destroying pretty much everything on its path, while also remotely controlling some firetrucks and ambulances and police cars.It's in my opinion, one of the best car chase/destruction/action sequence of the past 20 years. So. Much.Destruction!

Suggested by: Artificial Stupidity, Yannick Wolfe

Terminator 2 is one of the greatest movies of all time, and I will fight you on that. Terminator 3 is awesome, too.


This chase scene would be in the category of "worst waste of great cars in a boring movie that no one remembers."

Condorman vs the five Porsches.

Suggested by: MattRedondo, JohnnyWasASchoolBoy

I've never heard of this movie, and this chase really is wild.

“The Rock”

The Rock has a great car chase. Sean Connery drives a Hummer through San Francisco while Nicolas Cage chases him in a Ferrari F355. It's a wacky contrast of vehicles, with the Hummer acting like a tank and taking out telephone poles and crashing through construction sites, while the Ferrari zipping around the wreckage.

" Hey man, you just f'ed up your Ferrari." 

Suggested by: Lark Hawk, Ducatipax

It's been a long time since I watched it, so I have no clue how the rest of the movie has held up, but god damn this scene fuckin' rules. F355 chase scene supremacy!


For me, it's "Duel", especially the final scene where Creepy Pete and the Valiant go over the cliff.

Submitted by: IDM3

Even fifty years on, this movie is terrifying. And what a directorial debut!


We can't overlook this-the parking lot scene from the Indian action movie "Singham". I know, special effects and everything, but...but to snatch someone out of a car that's flipping over your head?! Nobody's that brave-or stupid!

(Yes, those are Mahindras. Top that, Jeep!)

Suggested by: IDM3

Truly one of the coolest moments in cinema history.

“The Man from U.N.C.L.E”

It breaks my heart that not one of you turkeys mentioned the intro chase scene in The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. Hopefully this gets a little love. Feast your eyes on THIS.

Suggested by: crazyone0413

I saw Armie Hammer getting interviewed for a magazine or something at a coffee shop two years ago. It was raining and he was wearing Tevas with no socks.

“Gone In 60 Seconds”

I heard somewhere that the entire 40-minute chase scene was planned, choreographed, filmed and in the can, before anyone thought of a plot for the rest of the movie.

Suggested by: namesakeone

Sorry, but I prefer the remake.

“The Italian Job”

Honorable mention to the Italian Job (original and the remake). It helped bring mrs gokstate into my car obsession world and she loves her mini

Suggested by: gokstate

I love that!

“Fast Five”

The Fast 5 Bridge chase near the end of the movie. That was before the franchise went almost completely to shit.It was pure gold.And bringing it back in X, with the same story except for Jason Momoa.That was AFTER the franchise went to shit. There was actual fire I believe (I could be wrong).

Suggested by: notatiktoksuprakid

I lost my mind at this scene when I first saw it in theaters.

“Against All Odds”

Against All Odds Porsche v Ferrari through LA

Suggested by: LIpit

This is still what it's like to drive on Sunset in LA


Anything from any of the Taxi films. The original one for 1998 is written by Luc Besson and has one of the best opening scenes. Literally saw it by accident while late-night channel surfing (remember that?) as the opening sequence began.

So while this sequence might not be a chase, there are some great ones in this hugely enjoyable series of movies.

Suggested by: Nik

This is also still what it's like to take a taxi in Paris:

“If Looks Could Kill”

Earlier today when walkthing through Chelea, I saw a guy who looked like an older Richard Grieco and that reminded me of one of my favorite car chase scenes from one of my favorite childhood movies. For those of you Eighties and early Nineties babies, do you remember the movie "If Looks Could Kill?" It features an American high school senior (Grieco) headed to France for a school field trip who gets confused for a British secret agent of the same name. The young American slowly fakes his way into being a spy and one of the first scenes after arriving in France is when he is unknowingly chased in his Turbo Esprit by an evil henchman in a Saab 900 and harassed by a pretty woman in a 300ZX turbo. It's not a crazy shoot em up, crash em up car chase but it it is very well choregraphed and highly entertaining. Enjoy...

Suggested by: oddseth

Another one I've never seen before! What a funny mix of cars.

More James Bond Movies

They're ridiculous but the ones I liked most were the Brosnan-era Bond car chases in Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day. The remote control BMW 7-series was so cool to 10 year old me, and the chase between the first modern-looking Aston that not only had retractable studs but disappeared and the amazing BRG Jag convertible with a freaking gun attached to the deck on ice was just the best.

Opening scene from Quantum of Solace.

Suggested by: give_me_a_manuel_alpha_romero_you_cowards, WantAPorscheButDriveAHyundai

"Tomorrow Never Dies" is another favorite Bond movie of mine, the 7 Series scene especially, and both "Die Another Day" and "Quantum of Solace" get too bad of a rap, at least when it comes to the car stuff.

“The Cannonball Run”

The Cannonball Run Countach vs Firebird opening scene in the theater imprinted upon me like a gosling to a goose. I'm into this car thing for life now.

I'm expecting dozens of mentions for Ronin, Bullitt, Baby Driver, and the Blues Brothers. And while I love all of these movies and the chases they contain, I was always smitten by the opening scene from The Cannonball Run. This may have been my personal introduction to the Countach and cemented my love for this ridiculous car and this ridiculous movie.

Suggested by: gokstate, Madkap

As a little gay kid I wanted to be these women so bad. Lamborghini recently reunited them with the car from the movie, it's a really wonderful video and story.

“Death Proof”


Suggested by: Jay Roosevelt


